Why We Teach

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Why We Teach


Often times We are asked “why does Team Soup teach?” That’s a great question; a main drive for Team Soup to share our education is to pay it forward. We have been blessed, honoured or in other words lucky as fuck to learn and experience some pretty incredible things from amazing humans in our lives. Coupled with our life experience we are ecstatic that we’ve had opportunities to contribute to this community by means of teaching, not only getting chances to teach at large conventions but also sharing our know-how with smaller groups who don’t always have access to kink educators. We believe sex/kink education should be accessible for all groups.

Every year we have the opportunity to meet 100s of cool perverts not only to teach them but to also learn from them, making connections with communities around North America has been such a fantastic experience and We cannot wait to continue to make more connections and hopefully come to a city near you soon!

Want to experience Team Soup up close and personal? Please don’t hesitate to contact us to share in all the soupy love!